The anti-aging nutrient you NEED for youthful skin

Your body is constantly renewing itself, using the fuel provided from your diet. So when people say you are what you eat: you actually are what you eat. Your skin is your largest organ, making up 16 percent of your entire body. It provides an essential barrier between the outside world and the intensely regulated internal systems in the body. If you want healthy, glowing, youthful skin, consume more collagen. Here’s why.

Amino acids are the building blocks of protein. They are crucial in creating collagen, fibrinogen and elastin, which are required to uphold the integrity, structure and quality of the skin.

Research shows that as we age, we naturally produce less collagen in our skin, which is arguably the main reason why we get wrinkles, sagging and loose skin as we move later in life. But there is something we can do about it! Consuming foods that naturally increase collagen production is one of the most effective ways to improve skin health.

The best sources of amino acids are protein sources, specifically animal protein like meat, fish, eggs and dairy. These are considered ‘complete’ proteins because they provide all nine essential amino acids. Vegetarian protein sources like tofu, lentils and chickpeas also offer some essential amino acids but are ‘incomplete’ protein sources because they do not offer a full spectrum.

The best sources of amino acids for skin health are high in lysine, an amino acid that has been shown in research to reduce acne and boost collagen. These include grass fed and finished red meat, chicken, wild caught salmon, sardines, organic grass fed cottage cheese and wheat germ.

A study published in the Journal of Clinical Biochemistry and Nutrition last year gave a group of female participants an amino acid supplement for six weeks and examined changes in their skin. The researchers found that skin texture, quality and moisture dramatically improved compared to the placebo.

A study published in the Journal of Medical Nutrition and Nutraceuticals gave female participants a collagen supplement and found that by the end of the clinical trial, the women were able to significantly reduce the depth of facial wrinkles and increase skin elasticity and hydration. These female participants were post-menopausal with aging skin, which highlights the benefit of consuming collagen on a daily basis!

The vitamin you can’t forget for collagen synthesis

vitamin c for healthy skin

Consuming a collagen supplement and ensuring you eat enough collagen-rich foods is all well and good, but what about facilitating collagen synthesis? For this, you need vitamin C. Vitamin C is an antioxidant and an integral component of collagen synthesis; without vitamin C, collagen can not be created and thus skin quality is seriously compromised. Moreover, without enough vitamin C, collagen supplementation will not be as effective as it could be.

Vitamin C is the holy grail ingredient for skincare products for good reason: it promotes skin brightness, reduces blemishes and redness and makes skin glow. But the best way to get vitamin C is not through your skincare products, that only alter your skin at a surface level. 

The most effective, long lasting benefit of vitamin C comes when it is regularly consumed in dietary form.

Foods high in vitamin C include:

  • Lemons

  • Oranges

  • Kiwis

  • Broccoli

  • Guava

  • Yellow bell peppers

  • Dark leafy green vegetables

  • Tomatoes

  • Strawberries

Aim to consume at least one portion of these foods alongside collagen for maximum results.

If you want glowing, youthful and healthy skin as you age - focus on your diet rather than expensive skin care products. Glow from the inside out.

As a holistic health coach, I can help give you guidance on all aspects of your health and wellness - including your skin! Want to alleviate acne? Improve your skin texture? Reverse aging? And do all of these naturally, without prescriptions? It’s time to start health coaching. Click here to book a free consultation.

For more information on immune health, click here to download a FREE EBOOK all about what to eat for your immune system!