How to Make Grocery Shopping Enjoyable

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With adulthood comes many undesirable to-do's like cleaning the bathroom, filing your taxes, getting your car get the picture.  As an Integrative Health Coach there is no chore I hear more gripes about than grocery shopping.

You either love it or hate it, but keeping food stocked is a must!  So, to make this recurring task more efficient (and dare I say, enjoyable), here are my top tips for becoming a boss at grocery shopping. 

But before I begin- 

I have a confession, as crazy as it may sound, I personally love to go grocery shopping, which is one more great thing about my job.  It is a weekly ritual that I make a point of finding time for, because healthy food and eating are a rich part of my life.  I truly enjoy cooking at home and then sitting down for a meal with my husband, children, and or friends as often as possible.

For many of us, though, grocery shopping can be stressful or burdensome.  With the winter weather upon us, for some people the thought of taking care of this chore is unbearable. Here are 7 simple tips to make grocery shopping somewhat enjoyable and less burdensome for you. 

Use this as a guide to fill your home with the healthiest food options possible.   

Here are 7 simple tips for success at the grocery store:

  1.  Mark your calendar, Sunday, early morning is my typical shopping time. Most people are home and the stores are uncrowded and more manageable.                     

  2. Before you set out for the market, plan your meals for the week and get creative! Make a list to shop from. This will save you time, money and set you up for healthier meal options throughout the week.

  3. Shop the perimeter (the outer section) first where fruits, vegetables, dairy, meat and fish are usually located. 

  4. Avoid the center aisles where the junk food is lurking

  5. Choose "real” foods like 100% whole-grain items that are as minimally processed as possible. You can always add a little healthy sweetener and salt and spices yourself.

  6. Steer clear of foods that are targeted for children. It’s hard to eat junk food if it’s not in the house, besides if it is not good for us, it is not good for our children.

  7. Avoid foods that contain more than five ingredients, artificial ingredients, or ingredients you can't pronounce.

Go Seasonal whenever possible

Winter - Hearty fruits and vegetables help us get through the cold weather, including Citrus fruits, berries, turnips, mushrooms, potatoes, pumpkin, onions, garlic, squash, parsnips, cauliflower, carrots, sweet potatoes, etc. 

Spring - Light and refreshing foods, sprouts, asparagus, peas, snap beans, fennel, collard, lettuce, lemons, limes, cherries, apricots, mustard greens, etc.

Summer - Cooldown from the heat with cucumbers, watermelon, cantaloupe, peaches, blueberries, strawberries, kiwi, etc.

Fall – Great choices include: sweet potatoes, apples, turnips, squash, brussels sprouts, chard, pumpkin, apples, pears, cranberries, pomegranates, artichoke, arugula, beets and beet greens, bok choy, bell peppers, carrots, cauliflower, corn, eggplant, garlic, radishes, sweet potatoes, yellow and green squash, apples, cranberries, figs, limes, melon, peaches, pears, plums, raspberries, tomatoes, etc.

Produce and Produce Label Codes

There is so much information in produce labels that you can gather just by checking the label bar codes on the stickers.

  • Organic Produce label bar codes begin with #9 on the label and always has five digits. Choose 100% certified organic whenever possible:

  • Conventional Produce begins with #4 on the label and always has four digits.

  • A 5-digit produce label code starting with the #8 means that is a Genetically Modified Organism- a.k.a GMO (for example 83510) In the U.S., there is currently no law that forces Genetically Modified Foods to be labeled as such. So while this GMO Produce Code exists, I have yet to actually see this label.

People often ask me if I always buy everything organic, but I’ll be the first to tell you that health coaches definitely aren’t always perfect! While I try my best to do mostly organic, it’s just about impossible to only eat foods labeled organic.  Trying to buy all organic-grown food can be overwhelming (not to mention expensive) so I recommend checking the Dirty Dozen and Clean Fifteen.

  • The Dirty Dozen is a list updated annually of the top 12 foods of which when tested by the Department of Agriculture and The Food and Drug Administration that were found to have the highest level of pesticides (even when cleaned, washed, and prepared to be eaten). These are the ones that you should prepare to start with when buying organic. Check it out here.

  • The Clean Fifteen is a list updated annually of top 15 foods that are the safety to buy conventional. Take a look here.

Use this handy graphic when decoding your produce.

Decoding Your Produce.png

Choose a rainbow of colorful fruits and vegetables since they hold many important vitamins and minerals. Combine different textures in salads and dishes. Look for firm and colorful fruits and always go for seasonal first, then add on.  Use this list below to get started.

Animal Protein

Be sure to choose lean cuts of meat (like round, top sirloin, and tenderloin), opt for skinless poultry, and watch your portion sizes. Quality is important. Go for organic, grass-fed, free-range, organic as often as possible. Keep portions to the size of your palm.

Vegetarian Proteins

Organic, minimally processed Tofu, seitan, tempeh, beans, legumes. Stock up on BPA Free canned, organic low-salt legumes and beans (I like Eden Foods) for preparing quick, healthy protein-packed meals.

Foods made from soybeans (non-GMO) are some of the highest vegetarian sources of protein and contain about 15-20 grams per half-cup. Soft tofu can be mashed with a fork or firm tofu will be more substantial in texture and as a stand-in for meat. There are many good options of seitan/tofu/tempeh varieties like strips and crumbles that are excellent to replace meat in chilies, burgers, etc.

Fish (Wild-Caught)

Salmon is a popular choice because most people like it. Salmon is widely available, and it’s a good source of omega-3 fatty acids. Cod, tilapia, and fish that swim near the surface have less mercury. 


Great source of protein, carbs, and fat. Choose organic, free-range, and vegetarian feed diet.


When shopping for bread, choose the least processed brands that are made from whole grains or sprouted grains and stay away from white bread. Many of the sprouted grain breads are found in the freezer section. Try a brand like Ezekial. Keep it in the freezer or store in the fridge if consuming fairly quickly. Since they don’t have all the “shelf-life” added chemicals they can go bad quickly if left out.

Canned Foods

Keep a variety of organic BPA free canned vegetables, fruits, and beans on hand to toss into soups, salads, pasta, or rice dishes. Go for organic and purchase the “no sodium added” or “low sodium” versions and opt for fruit that’s packed in its own juice without added sugar or syrup. Freshwater albacore tuna, healthy low-fat soups, and nut butters are great to have on hand.

Dairy/Nut Milk

If you consume dairy, organic whole milk is an excellent source of bone-building calcium and vitamin D.  Always opt for organic grass-fed butter, cheese, cottage cheese, and unsweetened yogurt (full and or low-fat is always best).  Try switching to unsweetened almond or coconut milk. It’s delicious in cereals and substitutes well for just about anything where you would use dairy milk. 


The list of ingredients should be short and have no more than 6 grams of sugar and at least 4 grams of fiber. Carefully check granola labels as even the “low-fat” variety tend to have more fat and sugar than other cereals.


To satisfy a sweet tooth increase sweet fruits and vegetables: carrots, yams, sweet potatoes, berries, melon, etc.


One level teaspoon of sugar is 4 grams. Refined sugar draws vitamins out of our body in order to be digested. Refined sugar is hidden in so many things (sauces, ketchup, beverages, etc.) and is detrimental to our health. Read labels and look for low sugar content - aim for no more than 5-10 grams sugar per meal/snack (the less the better!)

Raw honey and maple syrup in moderation are good sweeteners and barley malt/molasses and brown rice syrup are good for buttery flavor. 

Pure stevia or coconut palm sugar is also a better choice than white sugar and good for sweetening coffee and teas. 

Oils And Fats

Cold-pressed, unrefined, and organic. For low-temperature cooking, use sesame and olive oils. For high-temperature cooking, use avocado, coconut, or grape seed.

For baking, try unrefined coconut oil and for high heat, avocado oil is a more heart friendly choice than vegetable oil. It also has cross uses ranging from salad dressing to baking and frying. Use organic butter sparingly (try cooking with healthy oils instead.)  Choose organic and no salt added.

Stocks and Broths

Low-sodium, organic vegetable broth is a great way to season and add moisture to many dishes and for soup bases. Stock up on boxed broth (or make your own)!

Cooking in vegetable broth can really add some flavor (choose a low sodium version, whenever possible).

Pasta, Flour, and Grains

Choose whole-grain bread and pastas-including (black bean, chickpea), brown rice, grain mixes, quinoa, amaranth, barley, or teff. If your family isn’t used to whole grains, start out with whole-grain blends and slowly transition to 100% whole-grain pasta and bread. Refined grains such as white bread, white pasta, and white rice have been stripped of all their nutrients.

Try oat, spelt, buckwheat, and almond flours. Try brown rice noodles, quinoa, and couscous.


Stock your freezer with organic frozen fruits and vegetables. It’s a convenient way to always have produce on hand, especially in the winter months, and very handy when you need a quick dish and the fruits are great for a quick-prep smoothie, and even to snack on if you’re craving something sweet. Frozen veggie burgers are perfect for a quick sandwich or snack. Whole-grain waffles for the kids for snacks or meals can be jazzed up with fresh fruit.


Condiments keep well in the fridge and usually last a few months or more. Stock up on Tamari for soups, grains, veggies, and protein, Dijon mustard, balsamic, and apple cider vinegar for salads/dressings. If using things like ketchup go for organic and low sugar/few additives.


There are so many flavors to choose from including cumin, cayenne, turmeric, curry, sea salt, cracked black pepper, and garlic to spice up vegetables and protein. Cinnamon, ginger, and nutmeg are excellent for teas and sweeter dishes.


Use fresh organic herbs when available to add aroma and flavor to warm dishes. Use organic dried herbs if fresh are not available: basil, garlic, oregano, rosemary, thyme and cilantro, parsley for salads, Asian and Italian style dishes.

Nuts and Seeds

Walnuts are considered one of the healthiest foods full of antioxidants and high in omega-3 fats and other minerals. Choose raw walnuts, almonds, cashews, hazelnuts, Brazil nuts and chia, hemp, flax, (choose ground flax meal always and or ground the whole seeds yourself with a coffee grinder), sesame, pumpkin, and sunflower seeds.  They are great in many warm and cold dishes and sprinkled on salads and oatmeal/cereals and in smoothies. A quick handful is perfect for an energy boost and to quell hunger cravings. 

Sea Vegetables

Seaweed is full of B vitamins and minerals. Kombu is great for soups. Store in glass jars. Nori strips (dried seaweed) are a tasty, crunchy snack.

Teas vs. Coffee

Teas are like a medicine cabinet, with green and black teas promoting digestion. Chamomile tea is wonderful for bedtime/relaxing. Go for herbal teas and make a pitcher of iced herbal tea with natural sweeteners. Organic and fair-trade teas are the best.


A handful of nuts (almond, walnuts, etc.) like dried coconut, coconut butter, nut butter, organic dried fruit (sparingly) trail-mix, low-sugar energy bars like Rx-bars. At least 70% dark chocolate, Hard-boiled eggs, fresh veggies like carrots, celery, peppers with hummus, apple with a smear of nut butter.


Avoid soda/diet soda, super sugary “fruit” drinks, or pre-made smoothies. Stock up on flavored seltzer water and make pitchers of herbal tea. Drink plenty of room temperature water with lemon.

As a savvy grocery shopper, you already follow basic-food buying rules, such as don't shop hungry but navigating the food aisles has become a tricky task for health-conscious consumers. 

The grocery store is where healthy living begins.  After all, what goes in your cart, goes in your body.  Yet, even the most educated consumers with the healthiest of intentions can feel lost or fall victim to deceiving marketing and unregulated labeling.

 If you need help navigating the countless items at the grocery store, click here to schedule a tour of YOUR food store of choice! I want to make grocery shopping a simple and enjoyable experience for you!