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Health Coaching


Do you want to unlock your full potential and feel your best?

Are you tired of short term diets that don’t work? Do you want to take charge of your health and happiness? Are you confused by all of the conflicting nutrition information out there? Maybe you just need someone to hold you accountable?

Ways To Work Together

Click on a program below to learn more:


Health Coaching



Health Coaching



How Can Health Coaching Help

Feeling Stuck… Have a goal you want to reach… Research shows that 6 months is the most effective amount of time when committing to new habits. Whether you want to lose a few pounds, or pursue your life-long passion.  This program with help you identify these goals, build an action plan around them and hold you accountable to making sure it gets done.

As a client of my health coaching program, you will…

  • Set and accomplish goals in a way that is empowering and exciting.

  • Work to achieve and maintain your ideal weight.

  • Understand and reduce your cravings.

  • Increase your energy levels.

  • Build your self-confidence and feel great in your body.

  • Learn about new foods and how you can easily incorporate them into your diet.

  • Improve your personal relationships and achieve more overall balance in your life.

A Different Approach to Diets and Wellness

A different approach…

My approach is not to dwell on calories, carbs, fats, and proteins. It is not to create lists of restrictions or good and bad foods. Instead, I work with my clients to create a happy, healthy life in a way that is flexible, fun and rewarding.

Together we’ll work to reach your health goals in areas such as achieving optimal weight, reducing food cravings, increasing sleep, and maximizing energy.

As we work together, you’ll develop a deeper understanding of the food and lifestyle choices that work best for you and implement lasting changes that will improve your energy, balance and health.



Get the personal attention you deserve by working one-on-one with a Certified Health Coach.  

A few of the most common things I hear from people when it comes to healthier eating and weight loss are that they don’t know what to eat or where to start.

Working with a Certified Health Coach means you will have the consistent support you need to get results and be successful in reaching your personal goals.

Get the personal attention you deserve by working one-on-one with a Certified Health Coach.

Ready to Get Started?

The first step to working together is a free 30 minute discovery session to ensure we are a good match. Much like other kinds of counseling, it is important you feel comfortable with me so we can reach your goals together. I can also answer any general questions you have without you feeling like any commitment is necessary.

Free 30 Minute
Transformation Strategy Session

free 30 minute discovery session

In this session we will:

  • Get clear on your goals.

  • Discover which foods and lifestyle habits that have not been working.

  • Uncover what has been stopping you, slowing you down, or keeping you from having the body-and the health you want.

  • See if we would be a good fit.

The free consult can take place in-person or virtually.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Who can benefit from a health coach program?

When working towards a healthier lifestyle, often telling people what to do alone is not enough to create long lasting change. Health coaching takes a completely different approach. Health coaching is a process and not a prescription. Clients are informed about healthy habits while they are encouraged to analyze and problem solve action steps that will help move them closer to their goals. As the clients collaborate with their health coach to create a personalized wellness program, the health coach supports and holds their clients accountable for the plan that was set in place.

What should I expect during a Health History Consultation?

The health history is the first step in any of the health coaching programs. It is an initial consultation which allows your health coach to get to know you and get an idea of what type of coaching program would best suit your individual needs. It is also an opportunity for you to get to know your health coach and to become familiar with the style and format of a health coaching session, to decide if a health coaching program is right for you. A health history will consists of gathering information about your goals, which will set the framework for your health coaching program. Your program will be tailored to your personal needs, but your program will remain flexible and change as you change, and as your goals evolve. Health history consultations can be delivered in person, by phone, or via online video chat.

What is a health coach?

"A Health Coach is a supportive mentor and wellness authority who works with clients to help them feel their best through food and lifestyle changes. Instead of prescribing one diet or way of exercising, Health Coaches tailor individualized wellness programs to meet their clients’ needs." – Institute Of Integrative Nutrition
A Health Coach is basically a personal trainer assisting you to reach Whole Body Wellness.

Who should work with a health coach?

Everyone who needs help in achieving their health goals and has trouble implementing lasting lifestyle changes. A lot of people know what they should do differently but somehow cannot make it happen due to feeling overwhelmed and not knowing how and where to start. A Health Coach will help you by providing practical tips, guidance, accountability, motivation, and support.


Have Questions?

To decide if health coaching is right for you, I invite you to schedule a free 30 minute initial consultation with me.
