New Year, Same You

We’re almost one full week into the new year - how are you doing on your resolutions?

When a new year arrives, our society tends to do a lot of reflecting on how the past 365 days went. Did we stick with our resolutions the entire time? Better yet, did you achieve whatever goals you set for those resolutions?

Most of the time, the answer is no. Do you know why?

Most of our resolutions are not about achieving a sustainable lifestyle - they start with extremes. Extreme versions of who we think society wants us to be, not even who we truly want to be. 

I hate the “New Year, New You” mentality. Phrases like “clean slate” and “starting over” saturate our newsfeeds, along with articles filled with a laundry list of life hacks for self-improvement. I understand that it’s meant to inspire, but a new calendar day or even year doesn’t magically change everything. You need to find the discipline, motivation, and strength within yourself to commit to yourself each and every day - that takes work, not the stroke of a clock at midnight.

Now, I’m not here to crush your new-found motivation, but I want to make sure you succeed for the year. The most common New Year’s resolutions typically revolve around health, fitness and weight loss. Luckily for you, those are all things that I know a lot about!

I’m going to give you a few tried-and-true tips and strategies that will not only help you crush all of these resolutions and goals you’re beginning (and hopefully haven’t already quit!) and keep them going until December 31st. 

  1. Most importantly, have patience and treat yourself with kindness. Rome wasn’t built in a day and if your goals are meant to challenge you, you shouldn’t be completing them in a day either. Every day you make even a millimeter of progress toward your goal is a win. Remember that! 

  2. Make sure your goals, while challenging, are still realistic. Set one large goal for the year and then split that into 4 quarterly goals that will help you get there. You can take it a step further and break down those quarterly goals into even smaller monthly goals. The psychology of achieving these micro goals throughout the year will keep you on the path to finally reaching your big goal. If you have nothing to motivate you throughout the year, you will get discouraged and feel overwhelmed, increasing your likelihood of quitting.

  3. Get an accountability partner. Write your goals/resolutions on paper, tell a friend or family member, or even hire a coach like me. Having some sort of accountability will motivate you to keep going when you find yourself in a rut. 

Make this year the year you commit to yourself, achieve your goals, and be a happier you - not a new you! If I can help you get started, get through, or achieve any of your goals/resolutions, I’m just an email away! Don’t hesitate to reach out. 

Happy New Year everyone!

Christine Leone