Body Love for 2023

Earlier this month I wrote about how difficult it is to stick to resolutions that are too lofty; that require you to change everything about yourself when you shouldn’t have to!

Now, I’d like to talk about the importance of remaining kind to yourself and prioritizing a healthy balance in life. Your relationship with yourself is the most important one you’ll ever have - don’t you think you deserve some happiness?

It’s not easy to overcome years of negative self-talk or pressures from outside sources, like your newsfeed, magazines or TV. You need to learn to love every part of you as you are right now - no conditions, restrictions, or punishments.

Your life is a work-in-progress - it will have ebbs and flows, times of great success and times of failure. The most important thing is to take care of your body and be kind to yourself daily, regardless of any outside factors.

Here are some tips I’ve adopted that not only help me cultivate a positive mindset, but help me stay on track with my balanced lifestyle.

Exercising with Kindness
I will ONLY move my body in ways that I love. I wake up each morning and tune into my body and workout according to its needs. If I have a lot of energy, I’ll do HIIT or Pilates. If I’m feeling like I need something slower paced, I’ll do a walk around the block or even a rest day. No matter what, I commit to at least 20 mins a day – mostly for my mental health.

Being Kind to Myself
The way we speak to ourselves matters. These days I embrace flexibility and balance as much as I can, which results in being overall kinder to myself. I used to put harsh rules and restrictions on my body and I have learned to let that go.

Eating Mindfully
Sitting down at each meal without distraction, phones, tv and chaos is key. Sit down for each meal at a table, focus on really enjoying each bite of food, and say a silent prayer of gratitude for the nutritious food in front of you.

Saying NO to Comparison
It is SO easy to see images on social media and start to let negative thoughts and assumptions creep into our minds. You need to remember that some of those images you see aren’t even real - filters, photoshop, angles; the people posting them don’t even look like that! Start by finding 3 things you love about yourself and remind yourself of those features daily. Then start to brand out to other things and as you go on, you’ll start to love and appreciate more and more pieces of yourself!

At the end of the day, there is so much negativity and hatred out there - why should you harbor the same feeling towards yourself? Be kind to yourself. Appreciate everything your body, mind and soul do for you on a daily basis. You’ll be surprised at how much easier it is to make good choices when it’s coming from a place of love not punishment!

Christine Leone