5 Cleansing Foods You Should Be Eating Now

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With health and immunity at the forefront of our minds, I thought it timely to share some tips on how to cleanse your body in preparation for feeding it with all the nutrients you plan to consume.

Kinda like when you’re about to do a big household project right? You don’t paint the room with the clutter everywhere. (at least I hope you don’t, but no judgment here of course!)

The same goes for your body. Want to boost your immunity or shed some weight? Focus on cleaning out some of the junk and toxins you’ve collected by adding some of the following to your routine:

  1. Lemon

Lemon is probably my favorite when it comes to cleansing. From it’s fresh, clean scent, to the high levels of vitamin C it contains - there’s really nothing better than adding a beautiful bright yellow lemon to your world.

The easiest way to glean these benefits is to simply squeeze a half a lemon into a glass of water and drink it in the morning. This will help get your digestive system moving and also aid in alkalizing your body which is also extremely beneficial.

Another way is to use lemon juice instead of vinegar in a salad dressing!

  1. Blueberries

I pretty much think blueberries are nature’s way of kissing humanity and saying I love you the most.

I mean, really - the juicy, sweet amazing flavor these little guys have truly rock my world! Not only are they super tasty, but they also pack a powerful punch in the nutrition department, including the cleansing benefits they possess.

There are more ways to enjoy them than I can count, but besides just washing and stuffing my face with reckless abandon - I also enjoy adding them to smoothies; or to my chia pudding, topped with no sugar added coconut flakes and a teaspoon of local honey. #helloyum

  1. Ginger

I think ginger probably is one of the least sung about heroes in the cleansing department. We often hear about ginger being dynamic in the anti-nausea arena, or perhaps you love it when you enjoy a night out for sushi.

But ginger is also an anti-inflammatory food, aids in digestion, and promotes detoxification in a major way so I absolutely could not leave it out when writing this article for you.

My most common go-to for putting some good fresh ginger in my system is to slice it up and boil it for a yummy cup of ginger tea. A glob of local honey or agave nectar adds a bit of sweetness if desired.

  1. Flax Seeds

Flax Seeds are loaded little health bombs you definitely don’t want to skip out on adding to your daily routine if cleansing and nourishing your body are your goals.

They’re full of all sorts of heart-healthy omega-3 fatty acids and help clear sugar from your bloodstream. (who would have thought?)

They also contain soluble and insoluble fiber that helps you eliminate excess toxins and waste more efficiently - which is the whole name of the game here!

My favorite method for ingesting these bad little boys is to grind them in my magic bullet (a coffee grinder or food processor will work also!) and add them to my daily green smoothie.

You can also grind them up and sprinkle them on salads, oatmeal or chia pudding. 

  1. Garlic

The last element I want to encourage you to use often and liberally is garlic. 

Fresh garlic if at all possible!

Garlic is a detox fave, as it contains unique compounds that may fight harmful bacteria and yeast in the gut. Garlic also increases the body’s ability to produce glutathione which is essential for eliminating toxins.

I literally put garlic in everything!

It’s truly my “secret ingredient”. My most common method for utilizing it is to press 3-4 cloves into the veggies I’m sauteing.

A few other favorite ways to use garlic are adding it to salsa, soups, and salad dressings. 

It’s a sad day in my household when we discover the garlic is all gone.

To summarize, I believe everyone should be incorporating as many cleansing foods into their daily nutrition plan as possible. While there are numerous options to choose from, these 5 are my favorites. I hope you love them as much as I do and start using them more and more!