What supplements should YOU be taking?


This is one of the most Googled questions! So many people feel lost when it comes to which supplements they should be taking, or whether they are even beneficial at all. As a integrative health coach, here are the top general supplements I recommend for everyone:


High quality, multi-strain probiotics contain live bacterial organisms that travel through your digestive tract to add to the bacterial population in your gut. The more diverse your bacterial ecosystem, the healthier you are! As a general rule, a probiotic supplement should have at LEAST 1 billion CFUs (colony forming units).

A study that examined the results of 35 studies found that certain strains of probiotics can reduce the duration of infectious diarrhea by an average of 25 hours. This is a common digestive issue, which sheds light on how probiotics can help to support digestion.

Vitamin D

Unless you live in a year round sunny climate AND spend at least 30 minutes a day, every day, with your skin exposed to the sun - you’re likely deficient in vitamin D. That’s why it’s the most common vitamin deficiency in the US today. It is actually a hormone as well as a vitamin, and has a wide variety of functions, one of the main ones being for immune function. Vitamin D3 is the supplement to go for!

A study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that vitamin D supplementation reduces your risk of developing the flu.

Fish oil

Another common deficiency, fish oil contains DHA and EPA omega-3 fatty acids, which are integral to brain health, skin health, blood pressure, weight regulation and more. If you don’t eat one to two servings of fish per week, you are likely deficient in omega-3. 

A study found that supplementing with fish oil lowers triglycerides up to 30 percent, a key marker of heart health. Another study found that fish oil helped to reduce inflammation, a risk factor for disease.


13 vitamins and at least 16 minerals are essential to your health, if you’re not eating a varied, wholefood diet consistently, you may be deficient in at least one of these vitamins or minerals. If you can’t get bloodwork done, it can be a good idea to take a high quality multivitamin ‘just in case’. This covers your basis to ensure you’re not living with a vitamin deficiency!

A study found that multivitamin consumption was able to improve memory in older adults. Another study found they helped to alleviate depression, this is likely due to the connection between nutrient levels and cognitive function.

Aside from these, you will likely need tailored advice to guarantee that your vitamin levels are all healthy. A well balanced, varied and nutrient dense diet is essential for health, but taking extra supplements to supplement your diet can be a good idea, particularly if you are on a restrictive diet (veganism, allergies, intolerances etc.).

If you want custom supplement advice, reach out to me to discuss health coaching.


Michelle Matthews