Spring Clean Your Health

Spring is in the air! Warmer weather is finally creeping in which encourages us to spend more time outside, get moving, and start spring cleaning our home. But what about spring cleaning our health?

Spring is a great time to reevaluate your diet, physical activity, sleep routine, and much more. Even those resolutions you might have let go since January might be easier to pick up now that it’s not bitterly cold out. If you want to give your health & well being a little more pep in its step this spring but feel overwhelmed with where to start, I’ve got some ideas for you!

  1. Hit the Farmer’s Markets: It’s always best to eat in-season fruits and veggies for peak nutrients, and even better when you can shop their organic versions. Spring produce includes: asparagus, broccoli, oranges, spinach and strawberries. All of these items are packed with micronutrients the body thrives on. Additionally, try to focus on eating mainly whole foods and limit your exposure to overly processed and chemical-filled items that fill the inner aisles of the grocery store. 

  2. Stay Hydrated: Keep a water bottle handy at all times so you can ensure that you’re drinking enough water throughout the day. Did you know most people are actually dehydrated most of the time? With so many options for reusable water bottles, there’s no excuse not to keep one handy!

  3. Get Outside & Get Moving!: We’ve waited all winter to not be trapped indoors anymore! Get outside, get moving and enjoy the beautiful weather before it’s time to complain about the extra hot days of summer. We are genetically programmed to enjoy the outdoors - it engages all of your senses and has a big effect on your mood and self-esteem. It also boosts your vitamin D levels, improves bone/muscle strength, and so much more.

  4. Perfect Your Sleep Schedule: The sun is shining which means it’s a perfect time to reset your sleep schedule that likely got thrown off by the dark, cold winter days. The best things you can do to enhance your sleep: ditch the caffeine (especially in the afternoon), avoid large meals at least 2 hours before bed and alcohol for at least 4, ditch the screen time before bed, and wake up at the same time every day. It won’t be easy, but stick with it and your new routine will eventually stick!

  5. Eliminate Allergens: While it’s impossible to eliminate allergens, like pollen, in your environment, you can do an excellent job of allergen-proofing your home! Take one weekend and do a big spring clean - vacuum rugs, wipe down windows and baseboard, clean all of the nooks and crannies that often get ignored. You’ll be surprised at how much better you feel when you no longer have allergens in your home!

I hope this inspires you to take change this spring and get a handle on your health! We only have one life and one body - let’s take care of it the best we can so it lasts as long as it can!

Christine Leone