How to choose a health coach?


Health coaches are becoming more popular as more people turn away from conventional medicine in favor of a more holistic approach. If you haven’t achieved any resolve from pharmaceuticals or conventional medicine, or it’s not relevant for your goals - you may have thought about getting a health coach. If that’s you - here’s what you need to know.

What is a health coach?

There are different types of health coaches, based on their specialties, education, and main focuses. These may include:

  • Integrative/holistic health coach

  • Wellness coach

  • Sports nutrition coach

  • Holistic nutritionist/dietitian

Health coach qualification

Most health coaches have been professionally trained whether through undergraduate degrees, postgraduate degrees, certifications or courses. But how do you choose the right one? How do you know if they are legit? As ‘health coach’ isn’t a protected title, technically anyone can call themselves a health coach.

If you’re committed to improving your health holistically and are thinking about working with a coach, here are the things you have to consider to ensure you choose the right health coach.

Firstly, not all health coaches are right for you, they’re all different. Some health coaches specialize in eating disorders, whilst some only work with older adults  - they’re all different with unique skill sets and personalities. 

So let’s get into it. 

How to choose a health coach?

1. Are they certified?

It’s much like if you wanted to get your haircut, you’d go to a hairdresser properly trained to do this task. Certified health coaches understand how bodies work: how to lose weight, how to rebalance hormones, how to keep their clients motivated and how to create a diet and lifestyle plan customized to an individual’s needs and goals. 

Working with someone who has been properly trained and certified will make all the difference: your program will be based on an understanding of nutrition, physiology, and evidence-based methods, rather than presumptions or fads. Don’t take this risk when it comes to your health!

2. What are your specific goals and does this match their expertise?

Don’t find a health coach that promotes the keto diet if your goal is to become a vegan. If you don’t have specific goals but would just like to generally improve your health, you don’t have to be as specific when choosing a coach, as their base knowledge will be enough. 

But if you do have a specific need or goal in mind, choose to work with someone that has experience in that field. Make your time and money be put to best use.

3. What is your budget?

Be realistic about how much you can spend and how much time you can commit to. If you know that you work long hours, travel often, and can only commit to one hour every few weeks, make this known, so that your coach can factor it in.

Take some time to consider what your restrictions are and then discuss this openly with a prospective health coach. Most coaches want to see you succeed so will have your best interest in mind and may be able to offer you deals.

4. Do you like them?

It’s commonly one of the least considered questions when it comes to working with a health coach but think about it: you’re going to be spending a lot of time with this person in close proximity, sometimes in situations that are difficult.

Think about what approach helps you to be your best. Do you need a coach who is constantly in contact? Or someone who leaves you to your own resources? It’s important to talk openly with the prospective coach before agreeing to work with them to ensure that your needs will be met in the professional relationship. If you don’t get on well with them in the first conversation, I can guarantee there will be a health coach who you immediately gel with.

If you want to take your health to the next level, getting a health coach is an amazing option. But before you do that, read through these tips and prepare yourself so that you can choose the best health coach for your needs, goals and preferences. 

My name is Michelle and I’m an integrative health coach from New York. If you’d like to get in touch with me to discuss working together, I would love to hear from you to help you discover a healthier, happier life.