How to Optimize Your Health and Waistline for the Holidays

It’s no surprise that the average person gains weight between Thanksgiving and New Years - with all of the celebrations, get togethers, delicious treats, and added stress, it’s hard to stay focused on your health goals. But what if you could exit this Holiday season with more energy, clarity, and productivity? What if you could finally put an end to constantly feeling tired, bloated, or just plain “BLAH”?!

The answer is easier than you think: sometimes our bodies are simply in need of a reset! Now before you roll your eyes and stop reading, hear me out. 

A ”reset” is simply a course correction giving your body a prime environment to do what it’s meant to do. Over time, diet and lifestyle can add up and create unfavorable patterns in your body that leave you feeling unrecognizable when you look in the mirror. Let’s look at the facts: Some people think that health begins and is maintained in a doctor’s office, achieved with supplements, enhanced with fad diets and extreme workouts or even made effortless by expensive protocols. But that is WRONG!

The truth is, health starts at home - in your kitchen with the foods you choose to eat every day, in your daily habits with how much you move and how you prioritize your mental health. If you don’t have a strong foundation in these areas, it doesn’t matter what diets, supplements, or fancy protocols you choose; they won’t have results that stick!

Fortunately, our bodies are hardwired to take on a majority of what we put them through, but sometimes they need a break from our lack of self-care, inflammation inducing foods, and build up of toxins. By giving them a much needed break from potential food allergens, preservatives/additives, and added sugar, they can focus on performing at their best again. 

How do I know if I need a reset?

Cleansing as part of a reset is a personal decision, and it’s something that I personally do on a regular basis for a number of reasons. First, I just love the way I feel after I take a break from eating unhealthy foods and focusing on getting high-quality nutrients in every meal. Second, the reality is that our world is becoming increasingly polluted. We ingest toxins through the water we drink, the air we breathe, and even the materials that are around us. Then add in the chemicals that we have in our homes and workplaces, and that means pretty much everyone is carrying a toxic load. 

When our bodies get overexposed to toxins, our liver does the best job it can to protect us, and it does this by wrapping toxins in mucous and storing them in fat cells. (Um, yuck.) 

When toxins are stored in our fat, we can’t burn that fat until we release and process that toxin! The reality is that no matter how much you exercise, eat right, and manage your stress, you won’t be able to lose that stubborn belly fat until you partake in a detox and get rid of those toxins for good.

So, how do I go about a reset? 

There are many different resets out there that revolve around fasting, smoothies, only eating raw vegetables, and more crazy tactics that should fall under the category of “fad diet.” I don’t personally recommend those types of resets because they aren’t helping you build that proper foundation! A proper reset should be filled with Whole Foods and normal portion sizes, while educating you on why certain foods are superior to others. 

It’s actually even more important to avoid doing juice cleanses or incredibly restrictive diets when it’s cold out and you’ve been splurging on holiday food because your body will think you’re in starvation mode and will hold on to more calories than it normally would. That’s why it’s more important than ever to focus on nutrient-rich foods that nourish you from the inside out!

A true reset should help you obtain:

  • A better mood

  • More energy

  • Improved digestion

  • Reduced inflammation

  • Decreased tension in your mind and body

  • Lasting, healthier habits

Where can I find one of these magical resets?

I’m happy to offer you one that I truly believe in wholeheartedly!  I was so frustrated with the options out there that I created my own 5-Day Reset plan that is filled with seriously delicious recipes that include whole grains, lean proteins, legumes and beans, and nutrient-dense cleansing vegetables. I made sure to keep it super simple so anyone can do it, but also focused on each recipe being highly effective at eliminating those extra pounds in less than a week. 

Over the last decade of working with people, I can assure you of 3 things:

  • Deprivation NEVER works

  • Simple is ALWAYS best

  • Change IS possible

The only thing you need to bring to the table is the commitment and willingness to try! This is an online, self-paced course. I provide all the materials and you start when you’re ready!

My 5-Day Winter Reset is perfect for you if:

  • You want to lose weight. You've packed on the pounds, and the weight just won't budge! You can't fit into your clothes, and when you look in the mirror you feel sad and defeated.

  • You need more energy. You’ve lost your mojo- don't sleep well, are up multiple times each night, wake up exhausted, and need several cups of coffee to get through the day. Or you’re noticing that you need a jolt of caffeine or sugar to keep you going after lunch (Salted Caramel Mocha, perhaps?)

  • You have a lot of gas and bloating. and a sense of constant heaviness? You need to improve your gut health and digestion.

  • You need to change your eating habits. You're addicted to bread, pasta, and sugar, and do a lot of late-night snacking. You want to change your eating habits, but healthy food just doesn't get you excited, or you don’t know where to start. You want to get better with ALL of your eating habits, and not sign up for some fad diet that will fizzle out by the end of the month

  • You have aches, pains, and inflammation. It's really frustrating to live with pain every day. You need to feel better to be more active and enjoy your life.

  • Your last blood panels were scary! You've got elevated blood pressure, cholesterol, or blood sugar levels. Your doctor has said you must make some changes. But you're not sure where to start.

  • You don’t want to go to extremes to lose weight or get back on track.

With my 5-Day Reset, you can expect to:

  • Clean up your diet and focus on eating healthy and tasty foods like whole grains, lean proteins, and lots and lots of cleansing veggies

  • Kick your sugar habit to the curb

  • Get back on track with your eating habits in a way that won’t leave you feeling hungry or deprived

  • Promote weight loss- with an average of up to 4lbs in just 5 days of using these reset principles and keep it off. 

More importantly, I offer a money back guarantee: I believe so much in my 5-Day Whole Food Reset that if you follow the protocols and find that results don’t happen for you, just send me an email ( within 2 weeks of signing up and I’ll refund your money within 72 business hours, no questions asked.


Christine Leone