How Can I Naturally Balance My Hormones

Hormones are so important to absolutely everything that happens in the body. If you're feeling off - whether it’s your mood, hunger or energy levels - your hormones are almost definitely part of the equation. 

Whether you have had a hormone test and found out you have an imbalance, or if you’re experiencing symptoms and believe it might be attributable to your hormones, this article is for you! Here are some of the best ways to naturally rebalance your hormones for health and happiness. 

1. Diet 

The foods you eat trigger the release of certain hormones, and certain foods can inhibit your hormones from functioning properly. That’s why researchers have claimed that “food is a hormone”.

A study published in Science in 2013 examined the role of diet on hormonal balance. Here is what the researchers concluded in terms of the foods to avoid and those to eat. 

Foods to avoid for hormone balance: 

● Refined carbs 

● Sugar 

● Caffeine 

● Alcohol 

● Processed foods 

● Microwave meals 

● Deli meats 

These foods contain triggers for hormone imbalance, like preservatives, high glycemic loads, toxins, and chemicals. 

Instead, eat a diet that is: 

1. Predominantly plant-based 

2. Whole foods only - if it has more than five ingredients or ingredients you can’t pronounce, don’t eat it! 

3. Protein in every meal - high-quality complete animal protein preferred 4. Plenty of healthy fats - avocados, salmon, walnuts, extra virgin olive oil 5. Varied - to get all the essential vitamins and minerals 

6. Gut friendly - prebiotic and probiotic foods and supplements 

Studies show that a whole food, predominantly plant-based and varied diet is the key to naturally balancing hormones. For nutrition coaching, click here

2. Exercise regularly 

Exercising regularly helps you feel good. This isn’t a perceived ‘good’, it’s a biochemical ‘good’: exercise changes your hormones and promotes hormonal balance.

For example, when you exercise, a number of feel-good, cognitive boosting neurotransmitters are released like dopamine, serotonin, glutamate, and gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA). 

The hormonal response to exercise is powerful. Insulin levels reduce, as shown in a 2000 study, that found that regular exercise increases insulin sensitivity and can help to regulate body weight. Levels of cortisol also reduce, which can help you to feel less stressed. 

Levels of testosterone, IGF-1, DHEA, and growth hormone all increase. These hormones are related to muscle function, sex drive, and energy levels. These hormones naturally decrease with age, so exercise is used as part of a treatment to rebalance them. 

To achieve the best hormonal response from exercise, do: 

● Higher intensity, short bursts of exercise 

● Lower intensity low impact cardio like walking briskly 

● Ensure proper recovery after and between sessions 

● Listen to your body - do not overtrain! 

3. Manage stress 

One of the best ways to balance your hormones naturally is to manage your stress levels. Stress affects the release of cortisol and adrenaline (epinephrine). When you are constantly stressed, your body goes into “fight or flight” mode, which can cause weight gain, digestive issues, hair loss, and a number of the aforementioned symptoms of hormone imbalance. 

Due to our modern lifestyles, many of us are dealing with chronic stress, triggering hormone imbalance. Here’s how you can reduce stress naturally: 

● Meditate 

● Yoga 

● Listen to calming music 

● Massage 

● Deep breathing 

● Exercise

● Spending time with friends 

● Watching a funny movie 

If you want to naturally balance your hormones, follow these tips for a holistic solution to the common condition. For more info on balancing your hormones naturally, contact me for holistic health coaching online and in New York. 

Michelle Matthews