Benefits of a Fixed Wake Time

The days are shorter, the weather is getting cooler, and your snooze button is looking really good when your warm and cozy bed wants to keep you snuggled up. While you might think that extra hour of sleep on the weekend is helping you to be more well rested, it’s actually doing more damage than good.

When you sleep in - let’s say 2 hours - on a Sunday morning, it’s like trying to go to bed 2 hours early that night, which can cause a small bout of insomnia. This makes a fixed wake up time especially important for people who have difficulty falling or staying asleep. 

Waking at the same time every day will actually help you to sleep better at night. A fixed wake time helps to build a strong desire for sleep throughout your wake periods each day. This sleep drive gradually builds and shortening it by sleeping in will make it harder to fall asleep the next night.

Still not convinced? 

By getting up at the same time every day, you may experience some pretty amazing health benefits, such as: 

  • An easier time waking up

  • An easier time falling asleep (less insomnia)

  • Decreased sleep deprivation

  • Fewer naps

  • Reduced caffeine dependence (goodbye, coffee!)

  • Improved alertness

  • Sharper focus and short-term memory

  • Happier mood & less irritability

  • Decreased pain

  • Better immune system function

  • Better job performance

  • Safe and attentive driving

Who wouldn't want even some of these improvements?

Avoid Hitting Snooze

It is important that when your alarm goes off at your selected wake time, you get up. This means no snooze button and staying in bed for an hour, or even 5 extra minutes. You want consistency, and this requires treating your routine like it’s a law. You might want to consider putting your alarm clock across the room if you are apt to hit snooze while half asleep!

So let’s start making a change today. Select your designated wake time, count backwards 8 hours and go to sleep at that time tonight. But really go to sleep - not in bed with the tv on, scrolling social media, reading a book - nothing. Create an environment that fosters sleep; cool, dark, and calm. See how you feel waking up in the morning after a few days of strictly following this routine. 

Good luck and happy sleeping!

Christine Leone