8 Strategies for Restoring Your Gut Health

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Did you know that your digestive system is a key component of your overall health? Its health affects your immune system and more. In fact, research has found that your gut controls so many functions that it is often referred to now as a second brain! 


Here are some digestive system symptoms of poor health:


Do you suffer from the following symptoms on a daily or weekly basis?

●      Constipation

●      Diarrhea

●      Bloating

●      Gas

●      Reflux

It’s pretty normal to experience an occasional issue after a big meal or poorly cooked food. However, if you experience these symptoms on a daily basis, then it’s time to take a deeper look into what is going on.


If you’ve been feeling “off” lately, the good news is that you can take action to heal your gut and strengthen your health! That’s what I’m here to help you do.


Try these strategies for gut relief and healing:

1.    Check for food allergies. Not all food allergies are easy to detect.

  •  You may have a food allergy or sensitivity that is hurting your digestive system. Your body is unique, and you may not have all the symptoms that are typical. This is why I recommend working with a nutritionist or someone who can guide you to the right testing and design a way of eating specifically for your body type. (you can schedule a free consultation with me here)

2.  Remove sugar and refined carbohydrates. Bacteria in your digestive system can feed on the sugar and refined carbohydrates and create issues.

  • If you want to heal your gut, it’s imperative you change your diet.

  • Cutting out sugar and refined carbohydrates is the first step to strengthening your health. You’ll reduce yeast growth in the gut and other unpleasant issues.

3.    Add fiber. Your digestive system needs fiber to function properly. Using natural sources of fiber usually works the best. Nuts, vegetables, beans, and whole grains have the fiber you need.

4.   Try digestive enzymes. Your gut may be lacking the necessary enzymes to digest your food effectively. Pineapple, papaya, mango, honey, and fermented foods like kefir, kimchi, sauerkraut, and miso are packed with valuable enzymes for improved gut health.

5.     Try probiotics. Probiotics can help you heal your gut and may help you feel better.

  •  You can find probiotics in a variety of fermented foods such as kimchi, kombucha, yogurt, tempeh, and miso.

  • You may also want to try probiotic supplements.

6.  Avoid fast food and processed food. These foods have high levels of salt and fat, and can make your gut feel worse.

7.     Chew carefully. Not chewing your food properly can hurt your gut as well.

  •  Chewing gives saliva a chance to mix digestive enzymes with the food before you even swallow it. This helps your gut break down the food easier.

  •  Experts recommend chewing each bite of food at least 20 times.

8. Sit down to eat. Relax and enjoy your food, rather than hurrying through your meal. Who wants to eat on the run anyway? Taking the time to thoroughly enjoy the nourishment you’re providing your body is much more beneficial than a grab and go style.


Following these tips will help you return your gut back to a healthier state and then maintain it.

If you need help finding ways to incorporate these strategies into your life, I am here to help! I know it can be a lot of information to absorb, especially when it comes down to changing your life dramatically from the way we are so accustomed to living. (Standard American Diet = SAD)

I’d love to help you along your journey to health and wellness, just click here to schedule your FREE consultation now!